In et volutpat mollis
habitant turpis elementum



GASX Stick Pack is a medical device designed to provide relief from gastric hyperacidity, nausea, and digestive difficulties. It helps counteract gas accumulation and associated symptoms such as bloating, fullness, and discomfort.
Key Features

• Neutralizes Gastric Hyperacidity: Contains Sodium Bicarbonate, Magnesium Carbonate, and Magnesium Hydroxide to neutralize gastric acidity and protect the stomach lining.
• Anti-foaming Action: Simethicone breaks down gas bubbles in the gastrointestinal tract, reducing bloating and discomfort.
• Effervescent Action: Pleasant effervescence due to Sodium Bicarbonate and Citric Acid that aids digestion and restores a sense of lightness.
• Lemon Flavor: Refreshing lemon flavor for a pleasant experience.
• Quick Digestive Relief: Helps reduce bloating, fullness, and discomfort after meals.

• Simethicone
• Sodium Bicarbonate
• Magnesium Carbonate
• Magnesium Hydroxide
• Citric Acid
• Lemon Flavor
Pharmaceutical form

Powder stick pack (Oro-soluble).

• For Normal Digestion: 1 stick pack after the two main meals (up to 2 stick packs per day).
• For Gastric Hyperacidity: 2 stick packs after the two main meals (up to 4 stick packs per day).
• Dissolve the contents of the sachet directly into the mouth.
Pack size

12 stick packs per box.

• Gastric hyperacidity
• Nausea
• Digestive difficulties
• Abdominal bloating and discomfort
Regulatory status

Made in
